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What is
Ferticell UNIVERSAL 0-0-1 ?

Ferticell UNIVERSAL 0-0-1 is a unique product from a fertilizer manufacturer with breakthrough technology that is made of 16 unicellular algae and bacteria types that penetrate into the leaf instantaneously. Additionally it stabilizes the auxins and cytokinins inside the plant which is important for the plant growth and producing a homogenouse crop.

Ferticell UNIVERSAL 0-0-1 is 100% all natural and we recommend using Ferticell UNIVERSAL 0-0-1 with any fertilization program to obtain a superior crop, a more homogeneous product, and better size and sale price.


  • Regenerate the soil
  • Improves production
  • Improves the fruit quality
  • Crop protection
  • Easy to use
  • Natural and safe
  • Improved uniformity
  • Plants grow stronger and faster
  • Avoids loss of flowers
  • Avoids stress of transplants
  • Increased root development


  • Break down locked up minerals
  • Improves the metabolism
  • Balanced nutrients
  • Stimulates foliar mass
  • Very effective in critical phases

Learn more about our latest products:

  • FERTICELL PK 0-20-20

Agroplasma: Leaders in the manufacturing of organic fertilizers

Agroplasma is a consolidated company with more than 35 years of experience in the manufacturing and exporting of organic and ecological fertilizers. Our trajectory has made us leaders in the development of innovative solutions for plant nutrition, contributing to the sustainable growth of agriculture worldwide.

At Agroplasma, we are characterized by our constant search for excellence, adapting to new trends and market needs. We incorporate the latest technologies available in the disciplines of microbiology, chemistry and industrial processing, guaranteeing products of high quality and effectiveness.

Our commitment to the environment is fundamental in all our processes. We use sustainable raw materials and production techniques that respect the ecosystem, contributing to responsible and sustainable agriculture.


Our work

At Agroplasma, we offer a wide range of liquid and powder organic fertilizers, designed to meet the specific needs of each crop. Our products include:

  • Amino acids: They stimulate plant growth, improve nutrient absorption and strengthen the natural defenses of plants.
  • NPK: They provide plants with the essential nutrients they need for optimal development, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  • Calcium: Strengthens cell walls, improves fruit quality and increases plant resistance to diseases.
  • Microelements: They supply plants with essential micronutrients for their proper functioning, such as iron, zinc, manganese and copper.

In addition to our wide range of standard products, we also offer the possibility of developing customized formulations according to the specific needs of each client.

We work in different formats to package the product, adapting to the needs of our clients. We offer everything from small containers for domestic use to large containers for industrial use.

Our experience

At Agroplasma, we have extensive experience working with clients from all over the world. We have expanded our borders and provide quality service to clients in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

Our team of experts is at your disposal to advise you and help you select the products that best suit your needs. We also offer technical support and training to ensure the correct use of our products.

Value, mission, vision

Value: At Agroplasma, we value innovation, quality, sustainability and commitment to the customer.

Mission: Our mission is to develop and offer high quality organic fertilizers that contribute to the sustainable growth of agriculture worldwide.

Vision: We aspire to be the leading company in the manufacture and export of organic fertilizers, recognized for its commitment to innovation, quality and sustainability.

Do you want to work with us?

If you are a fertilizer distributor and are looking for a reliable and experienced partner, we welcome you to contact us. At Agroplasma, we are confident that we can offer you the products and services you need to be successful in your business.

Together, we can build a more sustainable future for agriculture.

Inspired By Nature, Led By Technology


Fertilizer manufacturer Ferticell products are a line of liquid plant stimulants/nutrients based on fresh water algae extracts. This proprietary technology combines proven characteristics of fresh water algae with a combination of bacteria, enzymes and minerals that interact synergistically to stimulate plant growth, flowering and fruiting.

Fertilizer manufacturer Ferticell products provide, auxins and cytokinins that users of seaweed products have found helpful to plant health, without the salt levels inherent in seaweed. As such, Ferticell is safe and effective to use under technical advice, following labeled recommendations, for a broad range of growing conditions.

Proprietary ingredients and processes used to formulate fertilizer manufacturer Ferticell products can only be obtained from Agroplasma, Inc., the exclusive importer of this outstanding technology that has been proven in Europe for over more than 20 years.

Materials used in Ferticell products

Only the latest technology and raw materials are used in the manufacture of Ferticell products. This means consistent quality, safety and performance from all Ferticell products.

The Agroplasma Technology Inter-Cellular Exchange (I.C.E.)

Fertilizer manufacturer Ferticell products contain protein, natural amino acids, Cytokinin, Auxin, algae/soil cells extract, and a complete natural nutrient formula. The ICE technology will transfer all nutrients from Ferticell cells included in Ferticell products to plant cells immediately. This new technology, developed by Agroplasma, is designed to improve yield in both quality and quantity, as well as to grow stronger and healthier crops.

This revolutionary new approach to growing stronger healthier crops is based on the knowledge that most plants have their own complex growth and defence systems that are only activated when certain events occur in nature or activated by Ferticell.

The unique feature of the different CELLS used in FERTICELL, is the ability to consume luxurious amounts of nutrients. Cells store nutrients in biological form and recreate in their own body nutrients like protein, amino acids, microelements, and vitamins. The complex formula of fertilizer manufacturer FERTICELL products also include soil/water cell extracts, a complete nutrient formula, and naturally developed materials to be used during different crop growing stages.

Studies have shown that Ferticell-treated plants are highly stimulated, resulting in more root mass, larger leaf area, greater number of flowers, fruits and early maturation.