Ferticell-NZn endoplasma Ice Liquid

Ferticell-NZn endoplasma ICE  LIQUID

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Endoplasma N-Zn contains 60 gr / l of organic N and 11.5 gr / liter of Zn and unicellular algae necessary for the product to penetrate the wood, applying it from the outside and superficially, managing to penetrate until it is incorporated into the tree sap. 

Saving of raw materials for maximum efficiency.
Avoid antagonisms with phosphorus, iron and manganese and favors synergies with the rest of macro and micronutrients.
Regulates and rebalances the nutritional content of the plant.
Easily and quickly measurable. (24 hours
after its application, the content of the Brix degree in sap is modified by the entry of the product via Xylem into its interior).