02-REVITALIZANTE-Ferticell Super Grow

Ferticell Super Grow

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FERTICELL SUPER GROW is a liquid fertilizer of unicellular freshwater algae, used for both foliar applications and fertigation. It is used to increase production (kg), with optimized quality (size and consistency). When mixed with agrochemicals, it prevents the plant from phenological stress due to the aggressiveness of chemical applied molecules.

FERTICELL SUPER GROW contains unicellular algae, being completely neutral and biologically active, generally used as a vehicle in foliar mixtures with insecticides, fungicides and fertilizers, enhancing their effects. Unicellular-algae are themselves a source of nutrients, help plants make better use of nutrients existing in their tissues and on the soil, improving the intercellular exchange of nutrients. The final result in terms of plant growth is a higher yield, better root structure, less vulnerability to diseases, precocity, more homogeneous fruits and a longer life in postharvest quality.

Thanks to FERTICELL SUPER GROW, you can increase crops productivity, as well as favour protein synthesis like auxins

Why Use Super Grow?

  • Provides faster and more efficient fertilizer assimilation through both foliar and soil applications
  • Increased root development by promoting more lateral and deeper roots
  • Lower salt content than seaweed or kelp products, reducing salt inputs and burn potential
  • Improved quality of fruit and vegetables
  • Increased flowering and decreased flower loss
  • Develops more homogenous fruits and reduces fruit fall
  • Foliar and soil applications with any standard equipment
  • Increased yield production at economic rates
  • Balanced hormonal package for healthy growth curve
  • Provides energy for the plant to focus on physiological functions
  • Increased resistance to abiotic stress
Universal Alga