Ferticell Micro Mix 1-0-0- Liquid


Ferticell Micro Mix 1-0-0 Liquid

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FERTICELL Micro Mix 1-0-0 liquid is a liquid solution of oligo-elements (Mg-S-B-Cu-Fe-Mn-Zn), that helps to boost synthesis of enzymes and the process of photosynthesis leading to increased yields. It helps in absorption of water and other nutrients from the soil, and helps farmers to obtain from 15% to 30% higher production.

FERTICELL Micro Mix 1-0-0 liquid is a blend of essential elements, to prevent most micronutrient deficiencies before they occur, and to correct preexisting deficiencies as indicated by leaf analysis and soil tests.

FERTICELL Micro Mix 1-0-0 liquid, contains Magnesium (Mg) which is considered as a secondary nutrient available for plants to ensure high quality of fruits, as well as Iron (Fe) an essential element to produce enzymes, and also needed for the chlorophyll synthesis, Zinc (Zn) that speeds the metabolic rate of the plant, Manganese (Mn) and boron (B) very important for cells division and Molybdenum (Mo) needed for Nitrogen fixing bacteria.

FERTICELL Micro Mix 1-0-0 liquid, therefore, is an adequate solution throughout the growing cycle, to all crops.



What Is Ferticell Microelements?

Ferticell Microelements is a blend of micronutrients, freshwater algae extract, nitrogen and plant extracted amino acids (derived from soy bean).

Ferticell Microelements is a natural liquid micronutrient blend of high quality chelated micronutrients. Ferticell Microelements helps to boost the synthesis of enzymes, the process of photosynthesis, and the absorption of water.

By using Ferticell Microelements throughout the crop cycle many nutrient deficiencies in the plant and soil can be avoided before they become a problem.

Unlike many micronutrient blends, Ferticell Microelements are immediately available to the plant. Using natural unicellular algae cells helps to promote biological activity and ensure the maximum uptake and assimilation of nutrients by acting as a delivery system directly to the plant cells.

ferticell micro mix 1 0 0 liquid
Ferticell Micro mix 1-0-0 liquid