Ferticell Potassium 20% Liquid


Ferticell Potassium 20% liquid ph 8

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Ferticell Potassium 20% liquid ph 14

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FERTICELL POTASSIUM 20% Liquid is an ecological fertilizer concentrated in potassium, indicated for the prevention and correction of potassium deficiencies, and allows optimum ripening, colour and fruit size. It is a fertilizer that is Free of Chlorides.

FERTICELL POTASSIUM 20% Liquid can be applied both foliar and/or irrigation in all kind of crops during any stage of the vegetative cycle.

FERTICELL POTASSIUM 20% Liquid provides potassium of easy foliar and root assimilation. – Prevents and corrects potassium deficiency disorders. – Improves fruit set and fattening of crops by optimizing the metabolism of plants. – Allows an adequate balance between breathing and perspiration, increasing resistance to stress due to lack of water. – Better regulation of osmotic pressure and cell turgor, regulating water and photosynthetic metabolism.

FERTICELL POTASSIUM 20% Liquid increases the resistance of plants in unfavourable weather conditions, and must be used especially during the fructification phase.