ferticell protector fu

FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU is a broad spectrum insect and pest controller derived from combination of NATURAL Neem Oil, Pongamia Oil, and several plant and herbal extracts.

FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU gives great control of thrips, white fly, aphids, scale insects, mites, etc. It is excellent for systematic as well as contact poisoning. It also acts as a repellent to most of the insects and pests on whom chemical pesticides are of no use.

The use of various extracts makes sure that the insect or pest does not develop any kind of resistance to FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU unlike most other chemical pesticides. The insect when immune to one kind of extract fails to combat the effects of other extracts and this is where FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU is most effective.

FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU can replace or even enhance traditional chemical treatments and is beneficial to both organic as well as conventional agriculture.

FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU application does not show any residue on the final crop and hence complete solvent residue free yield is obtained.

Also, FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU does not harm the plant friendly insects and pest which are beneficial to the plants like bees, butterflies, etc. Plant friendly insects can be seen flying around the plot even when FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU is being sprayed.

It is also seen that there are no side-effects on the person spraying FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU. There is no skin or eye irritation or such side-effects.

When mixed in water, the pH of the solution is neutral (pH=7). FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU contains natural sticker spreader due to which no other sticker spreader or penetrator is required.

Mode of Action

FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU works on all the stages in the life cycle of an insect or a pest, eggs, larvae, pupa, and adult. In the early stages of the life cycle, it leads to inhibition in feeding and to moulting. In the later stages, it leads to reduction in fecundity and breeding ability.

The oils/extracts in the product are easily passed into the leaf because of which, when an insect or a pest sucks the juice from the leaf, the active ingredients in FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU are forced into its body. There FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU starts its work and gives the desired results.

When the active ingredients are ingested by the insects by sucking or biting the leaf tissue, they subsequently stop feeding and doing damage to the crop.

Unlike with chemical pesticides, do not evaluate the efficacy of FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU with the number of dead insects but evaluate the efficacy by monitoring the reduction of leafmass or by the production of honey dew. For example, thrip colonies are seen for a few more days, but younger ones will stop to develop and reproduce.

Also, the mineral oil has a special function. The mineral oil helps form a protective layer above and below the leaf because of which insects and pests cannot easily penetrate to harm the plant in any way.

Also when the insect or pest, sits on the leaf sprayed with FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU, either their legs or wings get stuck on the plant resulting in easy control.

The various extracts also act in a number of other ways like blocking the respiratory system of the pests, destroying the waxy coating on their bodies, interfering with their feeding and discouraging them from laying their eggs (repellent effect).

The overall reproductive system of the pests and insects gets damaged. Hence eggs either do not hatch or if they hatch the new born ones are disabled in some way or the other. If a larvae comes in contacts, irritation causes them to die or they die after ingestion.

Also, the emulsifier used for FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU is of the best quality due to which the emulsion of the product is very stable. Due to this no oily spots are seen on the plant after application.

FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU also has one very important function. When it is sprayed on the plant, some of the nutraceutical extracts contain certain vitamins and minerals which are very useful to the plant, get absorbed by the plant. This gives very good luster and shining to the leaves thereby increasing the photosynthesis reaction of the plant.

Because of sucking by various insects and pests, it is normally seen that fungal and viral diseases follow suit. But after use of FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU, it is seen that the spread of fungal and viral diseases is controlled at the initial stage itself.


Not a water hazardous material

Environmental Fate

The active ingredients in FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU are rapidly degraded hydrolytically and thermolytically.

First Aid

When swallowed, drink water in sufficient quantities. Do not induce vomiting. Get medical advice.

On contact with eyes, splash water on the eyes for 15 minutes. Get medical attention.

On contact with skin, wash with water.

When applied at recommended rates, FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU is usually harmless to plant friendly and non-target species.


Do not apply if rain is likely to fall within three-four hours following treatment.


Can be used with all types of foliar products except Sulphur and copper.

Holding Period

None on all crops. A period of 3 days should elapse between each application and harvesting of all crops. FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU can be applied even before harvesting time without any residue problem.


Complete coverage of the plant is essential for optimum results. Any conventional spray equipment can be used. While applying make sure that even underside of the leaf is covered. Use mask at all times.

Suggested Dosage

1-2 ml per liter of water during all stages of life cycle of the plant. Dose of chemical insecticides can be halved when FERTICELL-PROTECTOR FU is used with them thus saving on the spray cost.