01-REGENERATOR-Ferticell Humic Fulvic Liquid (Humic Fulvic)


Ferticell Humic Fulvic Liquid (Humic Fulvic Regenerator) 

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Ferticell HUMICS fulvics acids

FERTICELL Humic Fulvic Liquid is an ecological fertilizer based on potassium humate, which improves the physical-chemical and biological properties of the soil, favoring the assimilation of macro and microelements.

FERTICELL Humic Fulvic Liquid can be applied both by foliar route and by irrigation in all types of crops during any stage of the vegetative cycle; with emphasis on periods of maximum nutrient demand.

FERTICELL Humic Fulvic Liquid, is a physical enhancer of the soil, which reduces compaction and allows a better development of the roots, since it accelerates the cell multiplication and the development of the roots. Regarding the quality of the fruits, this product generally improves the quality of the harvest: (size, color, etc …).

FERTICELL Humic Fulvic Liquid acts as a chemical enhancer of the soil as it increases the ion exchange capacity of the soil.